Our services


Through our blended expertise in philanthropy, financial planning and specialized digital media, we bring you a one-stop solution to help you establish or enhance the impact of your non-profit project.

With our extensive experience in both the profit and non-profit worlds, we help you build bridges, nurture partnerships and breach the divide, to instil the collaborative future the world urgently needs.


Cross-Sector Partnerships 

As a growing global community, we witness growing disparities where we are all acutely aware of being inextricably connected to each other and where the actions of one or a group will invariably have an impact on. 

Through partnerships Philanthropy allows us to join forces, expertise and resources and exponentially expand our horizon of impact for greater outreach, knowledge and understanding. With outreach we grow our community, with knowledge we grow our insight with understanding we nurture empathy and compassion and hope.

Reach out to us to investigate the scope of potential partnership that will not only empower your personal, corporate and non-profit’s mission but also help build more sustainability and a like-minded community around your Philanthropic goals. 

The collateral benefits can be both game-changing and enlightening. 


Establishing your Swiss based Non-Profit or Social Enterprise

We support you in the full process of establishing your Swiss based non-profit or social enterprise.

From the conception phase, elaboration of a plan, analysis of costs, the potential sources of funding and income, to reviewing the competitive environment, we hand-hold you through the process leading to the official registration of your entity.


Individual and Family Philanthropy

We support you as a Private Philanthropist in the conception, creation and implementation of your Philanthropic project. 

From the establishment of the appropriate legal entity to the defining of your mission and goals we accompany you in shaping and implementing your vision. Our services also extend to the realization and management of your Philanthropic projects and administration of your legal entity should these be required. 


Corporate Philanthropy & CSR

We support corporations in the elaboration and implementation of strategic philanthropy and corporate social responsibility, taking into account their sector specifics, corporate culture and potential for business and philanthropic led collaborations. 

Integration of your philanthropic activity with the company’s CSR, and employee participation and engagement, further express the values and enhance the impact and outreach of your company.


Non-Profit Organizations

We support your non-profit organization in better understanding, collaborating and communicating with Private Philanthropists and reaching out to the Private Sector. We help you in identifying and establishing partnership opportunities as well as sourcing the necessary resources to support your mission and projects.


Specialised website & social media outreach

In today's world, an online presence is essential to communicate and reach out to both local and global audiences. 

With specialized expertise in digital media specifically in the area of Philanthropy and non-profit, we support you in the establishing or enhancing of your presence online using appropriate wording, referencing and the sensitivity and understanding of the issues at hand. 

Our offering ranges from website creation and maintenance to the creating and establishing your social media strategy and presence.