Planting the seeds and building the bridges to a better future

Innovative Philanthropy, Partnerships and Education for Sustainable Impact


Today’s Challenge

As global challenges, become increasingly complex the changing landscape requires greater strategic thinking. New innovative partnerships and enhanced means of communications have become essential to ensure the growth and sustainability of those whose mission is to address these challenges.

Large organizations have already equipped themselves with dedicated fundraisers, teams focussing on building partnerships and digital and social media specialists.

Private and Corporate Foundations as well as small NGOs struggle with the complexity and costs of rethinking and adjusting their strategy and communications to the rapidly changing landscapes of the profit and non-profit sectors and the ever growing need to embrace digital and social media.


It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it.

Nelson Mandela


Our mission

We guide and support individuals and organizations in navigating changing times and embracing new strategic thinking, digital communications and cross sector partnering for greater outreach and enhanced  sustainability and impact.


Our goals

Help create a world where we can ALL WIN collaboratively, respectfully, compassionately and sustainably.

Our services

We support private philanthropists, corporate philanthropy initiatives as well as non-profit organizations and financial intermediaries with the strategic planning from conception to implementation and communication of their projects to optimally achieve their mission and desired impact.

Some of those who have trusted us


Contact us

 We look forward to supporting you in your Philanthropic journey